Friday, December 28, 2012

The Plague!!

Today has been eventful.

First, my aunt and cousin stopped by to see our Goomba. My cold had become well established at that point, so I was trying not to give it to anyone. Also, Goomba hasn't pooped since yesterday morning, so neither of us is feeling very well.

While they were visiting, and during Squiget's nap, the midwife stopped by again to check on Goomba and me. Everything was fine and we visited for a bit longer. Squiget was definitely not napping, though, so we gave up and brought her downstairs. I guess she felt left out with so many people visiting downstairs and she was forced to sit by herself in her room. I kinda get why she wouldn't be a bog fan of doing that.

In the afternoon my sister and brother came over to take down my Christmas tree for me, and some more visitors stopped by to see the new baby. I'm starting to get stressed out by how awful the house looks - but I'm not up to any major house cleaning yet. Husband is doing his best... but I think he might be cleanliness handicapped?

While the visitors were holding baby and talking my eye started watering and feeling really itchy. It didn't take too long for it to turn serious, swelling up and turning totally red and awful looking. We had planned to go out for dinner and try our hand at moving outside the house with two children, but my eye was swollen shut and leaking goo by the evening, so we left my sister with Squiget and went to the emergency room to see what might be wrong. I said the whole time that I hoped it would be easy to fix with drops or something - but instead it turns out my cold had turned into Pink Eye. Also, I'm super contagious.


So we stayed in and ate panzerottis instead. I am miserable. Why should I have a cold, Pink Eye, AND have just delivered a perfect baby girl?! Ugh.

This has been a high-hormone day.

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