Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Longest Christmas Ever.

I always thought it kinda sucked having a birthday in January. Christmas was only just done, mom's wallet was still recovering from the blow of the holidays, and then my birthday would come along. But, at least I didn't have a birthday right on Christmas!

Husband's uncle's birthday is on Christmas, and I remember him telling me, when I said the baby was due in mid December, that I'd better not have the baby on Christmas!

Well guess what?

Labour started again on Christmas Eve. Specifically, during the Christmas Eve church service. I still went to my mom's afterwards to party with my family, but I was definitely in labour at that time. Around midnight we thought we ought to get Squiget home to bed. I tried to sleep as well, but the contractions were getting too painful. Around 5am I had to go downstairs and I laboured while walking around in circles until husband woke up and came to join me around 6. When it was pretty obvious I was going to have the baby sometime today, he called his mom to come collect Squiget again and she left around 7 to go enjoy Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

After talking to the midwife we decided to meet at the hospital for 8:30am. The drive in was hell. I was having terrible back labour and sitting in a car during contractions was AWFUL! When we got to the hospital I was almost ready to push. It only took an hour until I was fully dilated - and I went drug free this time, so I was probably the rudest I've ever been in my life. I was also exhausted from not sleeping since 10am on Christmas Eve. At one point I begged for the gas, then after one whiff I remembered  "Oh ya, I hate this!" and I threw it away.

Anyway, the gory details of labour aside, it was worth it. 1000 times worth it. Our new baby girl arrived at 9:56am on Christmas Day. She was 8lbs7oz and perfectly perfect. I held her for a long time before I would let the midwives take her to weigh her and measure her. In the happy delirium of post-delivery I remember clutching her to my chest and saying: "She's mine! She's mine!"

Also, I would like to add that my placenta was Perfect. So there, Mr crazy OB who wanted to induce me at 3 days overdue because the placenta was apparently going to die or something... (0_o)

We were asked when we would like to go home and I jokingly said "Today would be nice." Since it was Christmas, I got my wish, and they discharged us somewhere between 1:30 and 2. I wasn't paying very close attention to the clock at that point in time. On the way out they gave us a handmade bear, which someone had donated to the hospital as a gift for the "Christmas Baby". Our baby was nursing like a champ, and we brought her straight from the hospital to my Mom's for Christmas where the whole family was waiting for us to open gifts. Not that I did much gift opening. I sat down on one of the couches and didn't move for a solid 4 hours.

Home again after that, where I rested on the couch some more and cuddled with the new baby until Husband's parents returned Squiget to us - along with all the gifts we were supposed to be opening...

My house is a disaster, but we have been so blessed today I can hardly complain about it. I don't think I'll ever be able to out-do this Christmas!

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