Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Day With Many Visitors

Today was punctuated with visits.

When our new daughter and I woke up this morning Daddy was already downstairs with Squiget, watching cartoons and eating breakfast cereal at the computer. I set up camp on the couch, ready to nurse all day, as I remember doing with our eldest. Surprisingly, this daughter chose to sleep. And sleep. And sleep! So I took a nap as well! Amazing!

My mom and aunt came by to help organize the house after the Christmas tornado. Husband tried his best as well, but cleaning and house keeping are not exactly his areas of skill. And there was a lot to do. Needless to say, by the time the midwife came by new daughter was still sleeping and the house was still a disaster. But I suppose I should commend everyone on their efforts.

We noticed today that our newest baby has some swelling going on around her eyes. It seems delivery was not as smooth on her as it was on me. Basically, since I was determined to be done and I rocketed the poor kid out in 2 pushes, her face got pretty banged up on the way out.

After the midwife visit, and after a 3 hour nursing session, we packed up to head out once more to another Christmas party with my Husband's family. More presents. More delicious food. More toys for Squiget that I don't know what to do with - I am going to have to take out a second mortgage and buy my neighbour's house to have enough room for all her stuff! And now there will be two of them! Damn you, Capitalism!

Grandma and Grandpa B couldn't be there because of the blizzard - which is kinda hilarious because Grandma B called me before Christmas to tell me I'd better have the baby before Boxing Day so she could see her!

Home now and relaxing on a lovely day 2 with the new babe. Looks like tonight will be an early night.

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