Monday, December 31, 2012

I need more lap room.


I am so sore right now. This morning was my first few hours by myself with both girls and I am now thoroughly convinced that we are not meant to raise children in this way. We are supposed to be a community. I should have all my siblings around me, friends, aunts and grandmothers - I don't think mothers were meant to be solely responsible for the well-being of their children for hours and days on end.

On the other hand, it went pretty well. I can tell that Squiget is trying her best to be a good girl and help me out, but she's only two years old. She's not really ready to grow up yet and still needs to be babied as well. I hope I can handle this when the holidays are over and it's just me, Squiget and Goomba day in and day out.

Anyway, Husband came home early from work, we had lunch and then sent Squiget upstairs to nap. She'll sleep until the evening and then we're going to Mom's for New Year's celebrations! For now, I'll be watching Star Wars movies with the Husband. Hooray!

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