Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Couch Provides Motivation!

I woke up this morning, came downstairs, and found that the house was even more of a mess than it was yesterday. This was not good for several reasons:

1.) I am freaking sick! I have Pink Eye and it feels like my eyes are melting out of my face!!
2.) This house WAS clean yesterday when my mom stopped by to pick things up for me!
3.) There is a new couch arriving sometime between 9am and 2pm and as it was, there was NO ROOM FOR IT!

My mom got us a new couch for Christmas. Conveniently, my cousin was in need of another couch, so she will be taking our old one. While my Dad and Husband were playing delivery boys, Squiget, Goomba and I cleaned and rearranged the living room (Goomba mostly hung out in the baby carrier. And Squiget mostly just messed up my dirt piles while I was trying to sweep. So, I guess, it was just me cleaning...)

Cleaning up made me feel 120% better. It was so nice to see the floor clean and Christmas junk sorted out. Everything was clear and ready when the moving truck arrived - but when they came to the door the delivery boy explained that somehow our couch didn't make it on the truck. He wasn't sure how that happened, but they would have to bring it later. We didn't wait long, however, because they brought the couch while Squiget was at my in-law's for the afternoon. I was actually pretty impressed.

Goomba slept well for the rest of the day. When Husband left to go out for dinner with Squiget and his friends I had some time to myself to come on here and write about it. After I eat I think I'll watch a movie to myself. Probably Tintin, or one of the many others I've been wanting to see!

Though, I'm not looking forward to sitting on the new couch. It is too new. Very, very firm. I miss my butt groove from the old couch.
Goomba smiling in her sleep today.

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