Monday, December 24, 2012

First Post

This is going to be the first post! I'm writing this on Christmas Eve, 2012, because today I had a movie moment. You know in movies when a pregnant woman goes into labour and rushes to the hospital - then when she gets there it turns out she wasn't really in labour and they send her back home?

Ya. That was me this morning. The contractions started around midnight. I got up to time them and they didn't stop for almost 2 hours! We really thought it was time, so I called the midwife, called my mom, husband called his mom and I woke my aunt up in the guest room. MIL arrived at the house to stay over while Squiget slept upstairs. We shipped out for the hospital around 3:30 in the morning. But I was only 2cm dilated and the contractions weren't that bad.

Our midwife, Joanne, sent us back home to sleep through early labour and probably return later in the day.

Well. That didn't happen. I woke up around 10am - husband sent Squiget to his mother's for the day, but labour seemed to have stalled. So here I sit, starting a blog about our girls to pass the time while I wait and wonder just when baby #2 is going to make her appearance.

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