Thursday, December 27, 2012

Not Quite a Routine

Today was wonderful and hormonal and awful and incredible. Husband has today and tomorrow off work as well, so I have him at home with me for at least a week after our newest baby arrived. It's been great having him around - he's trying his best to clean house. It's the thought that counts, right?

Today we took this picture of Miss Christmas Day:

First thing in the morning.
As you can see, her eyes are majorly swollen. When she gets upset and scrunches up her little face she looks like a Goomba. They bug out of her head! I have yet to see her eyes today, since she can hardly open them.

Squiget went to daycare today, which should be good for her since it brought some of her old routine back into her life. With Christmas and the new baby it's been a bit bonkers around here. She seemed calmer when we picked her up. 

While she was gone, Rick and I enjoyed naps and went grocery shopping because we were running seriously low on supplies in both fridge and pantry. The Goomba woke up in the store and being a 2nd time mom, I nursed her right in store! People kept wanting to see the baby and lifting up my scarf for themselves - then exclaiming and apologizing profusely when they saw the baby was eating! (I didn't really mind. In fact, I thought it was hilarious.)

While eating dinner, I was watching Squiget and became so overwhelmed with feels that I couldn't stop crying. I was nursing Goomba, but all I wanted was to sit beside my oldest and play with her. After her being at daycare all day, I was seriously missing her - even though I'm a little terrified for next week when I have both girls all to myself!

I seem to be coming down with a cold. Which is awful. I just had a baby! What the heck, immune system?!
Tomorrow we will be saying goodbye to the Christmas tree! Before bed I made sure to get this picture, because it just seemed like something I ought to do:

The Best Christmas Gift of All 

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