Friday, January 11, 2013

And Then Pinkie Pie Walked Home

This morning was difficult. I'm having a hard time tandem nursing, so I have to convince Squiget that she has to wait her turn when Goomba is awake. This goes over less well every day I try it. It's like I'm slowly watching her break down; the happy and reasonable toddler I had two weeks ago is gradually losing it and falling apart - but there's nothing I can do about it. I hate how hard this is on her.

The rest of the day went pretty well. After naptime we went for our first walk together. It was Goomba's first time outside for longer than just going out to the car and back inside. But she was in the baby carrier and slept for the entire two hours. Poor Squiget is in bad form from being cooped up inside for so long! We were still a few blocks from home when she declared that she was tired and I needed to carry her home - which is pretty much impossible when wearing a newborn in a carrier. Luckily we took so long walking home that we met Husband on the way and he was able to carry her home.

Before that, however, Squiget wanted to go shopping. So, we stopped in at a few of the shops along main street. In the toy aisles of one particular pseudo department store we found ALL OF THE PONIES. Twilight Sparkle. Rarity. Rainbow Dash - all of them. Squiget was ecstatic. We only had enough money for one and she happily settled on Pinkie Pie

Pony Wedding Edition

Once she had paid for it, she naturally wanted it opened. I complied, and then it began - Pinkie Pie had to walk the whole way home. Squiget spent most of the rest of the walk squatting and shuffling along the sidewalk, "walking" her Pinkie Pony and encouraging her all the way. If it wasn't so darn adorable I would have been pulling my hair out.

Later today she had a few more meltdowns. I'm not sure if I'm doing okay or if I'm completely failing her as a mother. I just hope her feelings even out soon. On the bright side, she is still head over heels in love with Goomba - always wanting to hug and kiss her, declaring her love in the cutest toddler ways. I need to video it so I can show them when they're older and screaming at each other.

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